After the collapse of Soviet system Armenia adopted the way of independence and democracy.
After the collapse of Soviet system Armenia adopted the way of independence and democracy. There used to be a standard way of thinking, after gaining independence it was useless to speak about democracy, there was no diversity, freedom of speech was being persecuted and there was no tolerance as well. Democracy is a way of political system, where the governance is being implemented by the whole population, or usually by elected eligible representatives.
Democracy is a concept of universal values based on the freely expressed will of people to define their political, economic, social and cultural systems and to solve the issues of all aspects by full participation.
Targeting young people and assessing their will power, as well as active participation in political aspects, we found it necessary to raise their understanding of democratic values and the importance of these values to disseminate and share it with other communities by them.
Understanding that political, economic, social and service spheres have direct impact on democracy, we realize why we choose communities of Armenia, because people in general are less informed about the term “democracy”, its values, its role and importance.
The asymmetric developments in Armenia lead to such reality that in modern society there exist problems and obstacles that prohibit formation of the mentioned values in our country.
By studying the communities and basing on the need of solving such problems, we find it important to implement the project “Power of Democracy” in the communities, to shape and to have steady basis of these values among the youth that they can understand, apply and disseminate them afterwards.


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